Friday, December 5, 2008

Inauguration Here I Come!!

Just got back from my last Fam Trip of Chicago with Travel Adventures for all there TDs! I really like how they make sure you're well trained and their trip notes is incredible! It could spoil me...but it's a good source for what info should be in a typical trip notes.

Good News...Bad News!!
We'll I and 2 other co-workers received layoff notice and have 60 days to find another job in the company or move on. I've joined the other 600,000+ unemployed people in Michigan. But on the same day, I was assigned a Inauguration tour! I and Jane, senior TD will have 216 8th graders/chaperon on a 4 coach move! My partner is cool and we get along great! She was my roomy during the Chicago Fam trip. With the exception of the Big Event, I found out that TA usually send their newbees to Chicago during their rookie year.

Hope our fellow Einsteins who are going to the Big One will be sharing strategic info for the event.


Alice said...

Congratulations Em! Very exciting! I have submitted apps to efsmithsonian, but too late...they are all covered...oh well, you snooze, you lose.
Who else is going to DC?

Andrew Spark said...

not me - i also snoozed and I also lost.

Joan said...

Emily great news. way to go for the BIG event.
Not great re your lay off notice. I was wondering how that was going. I am sorry . Yet great that you took the class and followed through. I decided not to go back to DC as it is along way from Seatttle and the crowds.... have some work here until the 15th but it will be very dry from then on unless Alan and I decide to head to Arizona. Alan is at ITMI now and I have lived every day in that class.
Joanne is there again. Alan had her for the resume review. There are 36 in the class. only 3 under 30 more in the 50 to 60 + group. He has a great room mate. think of you and look forward to catching up in TX