Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh, the places we will go!

Just tuning back in to Einsteins Escorts. Congratulations to all of you brave souls jumping into your great new adventures! I'm so impressed and absolutely encouraged by your stories, I hope everyone keeps writing. I've sent out a few resume's but finding I really need to complete phasing out of my current position as a nonprofit ED before I can fully engage in the new. This will be my last week in my office so I will follow up with more tour operators after that. I am very grateful for this blog to keep a community that is pursuing this work. While my friends and family are supportive, there's a certain amount of disbelief when I tell people of my choice to do this. I'm still in the "I think I can, I think I can..." stage and glad to hear of those that are making it happen! See you in San Marcos! Toni

1 comment:

Alice said...

Toni, glad to hear from you. I hope you get out there soon. I have sent out about 8 resumes and am in the process of follow-up with those companies and am going to send more resumes out this week. I have been given tours by two companies so far. One is primarily day trips to Manhattan, and I hope to get more from them. I also worked in the office for them a couple of days. I would also love to work in Washington during the inauguration but am not ready to work on getting that guide license. I want to get the NY one first so I am working toward that end or should I say "beginning". Good luck and stay in touch..see you in TX in January!