Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Finally Signed on to the Blog!!

Hi, All - It's so interesting to be on this Blog (Thanks, Alice for setting it up.). I finally set it up here & got on it. I've just read over all the comments about touring already & I'm so very proud of you for getting out there & Just Doing IT!!! WOW!!!
By the way, this is Tish talking to you. I've not done anything Tour Director-wise as yet. When I came home from the class, I still had that miserable cough so I've given myself the months of Sept & Oct to get me better & then I was going to see about sending info out. Just two weeks ago I had the pleasure of taking a trip to Switzerland for 10 days. The TD on that trip was from ITMI class of 240 - nice surprise!! And then I just came back from Greenbelt MD after a long weekend there for my class reunion. What fun!! So now will I send out my resumes??? Yes, I will!!
Take care, All & so good to hear from you. Tish


Megan said...

Tish, hi and welcome!
I am so glad you have joined the group. Alice has created this really incredible blog, which has given all of us a wonderful place to visit. It has great information, plus her photos are phenomenal and her ability to describe all kinds of situations has been incredible.
PS Alice, I smile so much when I read your blogs. You write really well. Thank you again for all that you have given us. :) PSS Greg where are you? I know I am wanting to know all about your last tour!
Trust the road!

Alice said...

Welcome Tish, and Thanks Megan. My first tours are over and it was a great experience. I find myself hungry for another tour, so I am busy sending resumes out again!
Good luck everyone, keep on keepin' on!
PS...When you visit my blog, please make a comment so I know you were there.